CRCA Bear Mountain Classic to Serve as the NYS RR Championship — Century Road Club Association

CRCA Bear Mountain Classic to Serve as the NYS RR Championship

The CRCA Board is pleased to announce that this year's CRCA Bear Mountain Classic will serve as the New York State Road Race Championship. The 2018 edition of the Bear Mountain Classic will continue to use the same famous course at Harriman State Park featuring the challenging Tiorati Brook Road Climb.

In anticipation of serving as the State Championship we have listened to rider feedback from the 2017 edition and revamped the schedule accordingly. The event will continue to feature 11 full fields of racing but we have moved the Master's fields earlier in the day and slightly adjusted the race distances. 

Registration for the 2018 CRCA Bear Mountain Classic will open on March 30th. As always the event features significant early registration discounts so save money and head to Bikereg early!