CRCA Awards
Throughout the course of the year, CRCA runs several competitions across the club's full racing calendar. The winners of these awards are honored with trophies at the club's annual year-end party.
Current standings for all CRCA Individual and Team Competitions are available under Results & Standings.
Jim Boyd Cup
The CRCA Jim Boyd Cup is a season long individual prize that is the most prestigious award in New York City cycling. Comprised of the CRCA Club Series and the CRCA Open Racing Calendar, the Jim Boyd Cup is awarded to the most outstanding male and female cyclist in CRCA (A and W field). The Jim Boyd Cup is named for longtime CRCA President Jim Boyd.
Team Cup
Similarly, the Team Cup is awarded to the most outstanding CRCA sub-teams throughout the course of the entire CRCA race season. CRCA sub-teams in the A and W field are eligible for the award. This has been one of the most hotly contested CRCA awards in recent years.
Intermediate Sprint Competition
The Intermediate sprint competition awards the Sprint Leader's Jersey to the rider with the most intermediate sprint points accumulated during the season. The Sprint competition takes place in the Men’s A, B and Women’s Open Field.
Club Championship
In contrast to the Jim Boyd Cup, the Club Series Championship is a one-day competition awarded to the winners of the A, B and W fields on the Club Series date identified as the Club Championship. There is also a separate M40+ Club Championship field that will award a title for M40+.
Women’s Open Field Cat 3 Competition
New for 2023 the Women’s Open field will feature a Cat 3 competition awarding the most outstanding Cat 3 at the end of the season.
B-Field Series Competitions
CRCA awards two titles in the B-Field: the B-Field Series Leader is scored similarly to the Jim Boyd Cup and goes to the most successful B-Field rider throughout the course of the CRCA Club and Open Racing Season. The B-Field Team Competition similarly mirrors the Team Cup and goes to the CRCA sub-team with the greatest success in the B field throughout the course of the year.
If a rider upgrades from the B-Field, he retains all previously earned B-Field Series Leader points but cannot earn any further points. In this instance the B-Field Series Leader Jersey will roll down to the rider with the highest points total currently racing in the B-Field. The end-of-season award goes to the rider with the highest point total even if he upgraded during the season.
New for 2025, Cat 3s and Cat4s racing in the Men’s B field will score points for both the Individual and Team competition points.
c-Field Series Competition
New for 2025, the C-Field will feature an Individual Series Leader Competition for the C-field racer with the highest number of cumulative points throughout the season. The racer who has earned the highest cumulative number of points at the end of the season is named the overall series winner. Both Cat 4s and Cat 5s will participate in this competition.
Masters Series Competition
The CRCA Masters Series Leader Title is awarded to the Masters racer who scores the most points across the CRCA Open Racing and Club Series Masters Fields.
The CRCA Masters Series Team Competition mirrors the other team based awards for the CRCA Open Racing and Club Series Masters fields.
New for 2025, the Women’s field will feature a Master Series Leader competition. The award will go to the racer who scores the most points over the course of the season, across Club and Open races.
Women’s development series competition
CRCA awards the WDev field series leader jersey to the WDev field racer with the highest number of cumulative points throughout the series. The racer who has earned the highest cumulative number of points at the end of the season is named the overall series winner. Go here for more details on this series and a separate WDev Series participation points competition.
Most Improved Rider
The Most Improved Rider Award goes to the rider who makes the greatest competitive strides during the course of the season. Nominations may be submitted to the CRCA Board with the winner selected following the conclusion of the season.
Jim Boyd & Team Cup Rules
The Elite Men’s and Elite Women’s CRCA Boyd Cup is the highest honor awarded to CRCA racing members based on a season long points competition across a variety of courses and formats. The CRCA Elite Team Cup is awarded on a similar basis to the most successful CRCA sub-teams across a similar subset of races.
All club and open races are included in scoring for the Jim Boyd Cup and Team Cup Awards unless otherwise specified on the CRCA Racing Calendar. CRCA members will be scored separately for the Open Races (i.e., non eligible racers will be skipped over and points will roll down to the next eligible CRCA member). All Open Races (including time trials, if any) are worth the same points as Club Races.
Boyd Cup and Team Cup points are awarded as follows, for Club and Open Races places 1st- 7th: 10, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. As stated the Open Races will feature separate scoring for CRCA members.
For the Team Cup, teams score points for their top two riders only. If additional riders from a team place, the points for those places are not counted toward calculating the Team Cup points for that team or any other team. For example, if Team A has 3 riders scoring in the top 3 placings, the 3rd placed Team A rider will not score points for Team A, but Team B rider at 4th place will score 4th place points, not 3rd place points.
The Team Cup may also include points from a Team Time Trial, if any, to be held as part of a CRCA affiliated time trial, if any, to be announced. CRCA members will be scored separately at any such competition and points will be awarded on an Open Race basis.
Only Donor, Racing Pass, and Juniors club members may score points for either competition. Associate members participating in open races cannot score points.
If a teammate is disqualified for a conduct violation in a given race, the team in question will score no points in any CRCA competition.
The champion for each competition will be the individual / team with the most points at the conclusion of the season. In the case of a tie, finishing position at the Club Race season finale will determine the winner (for the team cup highest individual placing at that race will determine the winner).
Intermediate Sprint Competition Rules
Only Scratch Format Club races are included in scoring for the Intermediate Sprint Competition unless otherwise specified on the CRCA Racing Calendar.
Intermediate Sprint points are awarded as follows, First 4 finishers: 4, 3, 2, 1
Intermediate Sprints will take place at the conclusion of the 2nd and 4th lap (the beginning of laps 3 and 5), unless otherwise dictated by the CRCA Website or Race Director day of the race.
All riders racing in the Men’s A, B or Women’s Open field are eligible for the competition
Women’s Open Field Cat 3 Competition Rules
Women’s Open Field Cat 3 competition rules mirror those of of the Women’s Boyd Cup competition. Scoring is done on the same basis as the Women’s Boyd Cup, with the same races included in the competition but scoring is exclusively limited to Cat 3. i.e. the highest placing Cat 3 will score maximum points.
All Cat 3s racing in the Women’s Open field will be scored for both the Women’s Boyd Cup and the Cat 3 competition if applicable.
CRCA B-Field and C-Field Series Competitions Rules
The B-Field and C-Field Series Leader and Team Competitions mirror the Jim Boyd and Team Cup competitions but for non-elite riders racing in the B-Field and C-Field.
The CRCA Field Series Leader is awarded on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Jim Boyd Cup, but for the B/C fields. Scoring is done on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Boyd Cup, with the same races included in the competition.
The CRCA Field Team Competition is awarded on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Team Cups, but for the B/C fields. Scoring is done on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Team Cup, with the same races included in the competition.
For Open Races, B-Field points will be scored in the M3 field. If no M3 field is offered points will instead be scored in the M3/4 field. For Club Races points will only be scored in the B field.
For Open Races, C-Field points will be scored in the M4 field. If no M4 field is offered points will instead be scored in the M4/5 field. For Club Races points will only be scored in the C field.
CRCA Women’s dev-Field Series Competitions Rules
The WDev-Field Series Leader mirror the Jim Boyd competitions but for riders racing in the WDev-Field.
The CRCA WDev-Field Series Leader is awarded on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Jim Boyd Cup, but for the WDev field. Scoring is done on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Boyd Cup, with the same races included in the competition.
For Open Races points will be scored in the WDev field. If no WDev field is offered points will instead be scored in the W field. For Club Races points will only be scored in the W field.
CRCA Masters Series Competitions Rules
The Masters Series Leader and Team Competitions include both Club and Open races with similar scoring to the Jim Boyd and Team Cup except for riders racing in CRCA's Masters field designations (e.g., Master’s 45+ A and Master’s 45+ B).
The CRCA Masters Series Leader is awarded on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Jim Boyd Cup, but for CRCA's Masters field designations. Scoring is done on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Boyd Cup, with the same races included in the competition.
The CRCA Masters Team Competition is awarded on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Team Cups, but for CRCA's Masters field designations. Scoring is done on the same basis as the Elite Men’s and Women’s Team Cup, with the same races included in the competition. The Team Competition will not apply for the Women’s field.
The races included in the Men’s Masters competitions will include: all open races featuring an M45+ field, or a M35+ Master’s field at Grant's Tomb or Bear Mountain if applicable (lower age cut-off reflects NYS Championship Categories), all of the club race M40+ field designations in Central Park and a CRCA affiliated Time Trial, if applicable.
Women’s Masters will be defined as 45+, to recognize the challenge of succeeding in a combined Cat 1/2/3/4 field. Further, the Series Leader competition will include all open races and all club races.
CRCA Most Improved Rider Rules
The most improved rider award shall be selected by the CRCA Board following the conclusion of the race season. The award target riders that have have made the greatest strides from the development levels of the Club.
PAST Jim Boyd Cup Winners
2023: Emily Singleton
2022: Galen Bolard
2021: Galen Bolard
2019: Stephanie Halamek
2018: Erica Adelberg
2017: Aimee Layton
2016: Lucie Vagnerova
2015: Lisa Vandivort
2014: Victoria Brumfield
2013: BrittLee Bowman
2012: Raquel Miller
2011: Kristin Lotito
2010: Ann Marie Miller
2009: Ann Marie Miller
2008: Margaret Shirley
2007: Sarah Sauvayre
2006: Sarah Sauvayre
2005: Hannah Long
2023: Cormac Daly
2022: Stalin Quiterio
2021: Joshua Lipka
2019: Stalin Quiterio
2018: Allan Rego
2017: Allan Rego
2016: Stalin Quiterio
2015: Michael Margarite
2014: Zachary Koop
2013: Zachary Koop
2012: Evan Murphy
2011: Ariel Mendez
2010: Dan Zmolik
2009: Lisban Quintero
2008: Alex Bremer
2007: Jeff King
2006: Ken Harris
2004: Alex Gulla
2017 CRCA Boyd Cup Award Winners Aimee Layton and Allan Rego received their award at the 2017 CRCA End of Season Party. Photos from the To Be Determined Journal End of Season Party and Roller Races Recap:
Past Team Cup Award Winners
2023: Rockstar Games
2022: Good Gals Racing p/b
2021: Rockstar Games
2019: To Be Determined fb Metropolitan Dental Care
2018: Dave Jordan Racing
2017: CityMD Women's Racing
2016: Rockstar Games Women's Racing
2015: CityMD Women's Racing
2023: Good Guys Racing p/b
2022: Foundation
2021: Foundation
2019: Foundation
2018: Foundation
2017: NYCC p/b BGC Partners
2016: Foundation
2015: Weather Channel
2014: Foundation
*2020 Season canceled due to COVID-19.