CRCA Beginner Bike Race Clinics
Each year, as part of CRCA’s coaching and development program, the club hosts Men’s and Women’s Race Clinics. The clinics are designed to introduce riders to the club, and bicycle racing. Many elite racers have been introduced to the sport through CRCA’s race clinics, including current UCI Hour Record holder and Olympian, Evelyn Stevens, and current Olympic Champion Kristen Faulkner.
Note: registration for all Race Clinics must be completed in advance via Bikereg. This applies to CRCA members and non-CRCA members alike.
2025 CRCA Race Clinic INformation
Clinic 1: Saturday April 19th, 5:15am ; Men & Women category 5/ Novice fields:
Info Session by subteam TBD:
Clinic 2: Men & Women fields: TBA
Registration here: TBA
Pre-clinic preview ride: TBA
About the CRCA Race Clinics
The clinic format is a simulated race in Central Park. Experienced racers will ride with the field, providing assistance and advice. CRCA Coaches will be on hand to provide instruction before, during, and after the clinic. Men and women race in separate fields. The Men’s field is open to all riders, and the Women’s field is open to all W/T/F riders.
See the CRCA Tech guide for guidelines for racing in Central Park with the club:
Please watch the info session from the CRCA/TBD subteam from 2021 is embedded above. CRCA sub-team members discuss how they got into racing, as well as answer questions about the clinic, CRCA, or racing in general. The clinic is a great opportunity to meet fellow new racers, and try racing for the first time.
“... I had a friend who encouraged me to do the CRCA women’s clinic.... CRCA (Century Road Club Association) is an awesome organization. That was June 2008. That was my first race.”