
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (2016/10/06)


October 6, 2016

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Century Road Club Association (the “CRCA”) held a duly noticed meeting on October 6, 2016 at the offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York.

The meeting was called to order by Alexis Kraft, President of the Board, at approximately 7:00 PM.

The following members of the Board, constituting a quorum of the Board, were present in person or telephonically:

  • Alexis Kraft – President
  • Gabrielle Fisher – Vice President, Racing
  • Fred David – Secretary
  • Ken Edwards – Treasurer
  • Tara Parsons – Vice President, Rider Development
  • Mim Gilbert – Communications Director
  • Ted Teyber – Director of Open Racing

The Board discussed the stats of nominations for 2017 Board positions. The Board also approved the creation of an open racing logistics coordinator and individual open race director positions and compensation for such positions.


The Board discussed logistics and marshals for the Turkey Race. The Board determined to hire paid marshals for the race using the revenue from Lucarelli & Castaldi’s sponsorship of the race.


Mrs. Gilbert showed the Board a preview of the new revamped front-end of the CRCA’s website, which is expected to be ready to be launched by year-end.

The Board also discussed next steps for revamping the back-end / database of the website.


The Board reviewed a draft of the year-end members’ survey and discussed certain of the questions in that draft. The Board signed-off on the draft with some changes that were discussed and Mr. David agreed to make those changes and circulate the survey to the CRCA members.


Ms. Fisher presented a draft of the schedule of CRCA races for 2017. The Board agreed to attempt to hold the 2017 Bear Mountain Classic on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend, subject to approval from NYS Parks.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________ Fred David Secretary


CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (2016/08/22)


August 22, 2016

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Century Road Club Association (the “CRCA”) held a duly noticed meeting on August 22, 2016 at the offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York.

The meeting was called to order by Alexis Kraft, President of the Board, at approximately 7:00 PM.

The following members of the Board, constituting a quorum of the Board, were present in person or telephonically:

  • Alexis Kraft – President
  • Gabrielle Fisher – Vice President, Racing
  • Fred David – Secretary
  • Ken Edwards – Treasurer
  • Mim Gilbert – Communications Director
  • Ted Teyber – Director of Open Racing

The Board discussed the reinstitution of the Turkey Race and how to obtain the requisite marshals for the race, including offering amnesty for suspended riders and obtaining a sponsor to provide sufficient revenue to the CRCA to allow the CRCA to hire paid marshals. The Board determined to explore both alternatives and to discuss a final solution at a later date.


Mrs. Gilbert provided an update on the process of revamping the CRCA’s website. Mrs. Gilbert reported that she was working with an outside developer to re-design the front-end of the website with a goal of having the new website ready to be launched by year-end.

Mrs. Gilbert also reported on work to change the privacy settings on the website’s back-end / database to ensure members’ personal information remained private.

Mr. David agreed to reach out to Randy Locklair to determine steps for upgrading and modernizing the website’s back-end / database.


Alexis provided an update on planning for the end-of-year party, which is expected to be held at the Rapha Cycle Club New York in November. The Board discussed the budget for the party and plans to promote the event.


The Board discussed options for further delegating work related to the club’s open races, including new volunteer or board positions. The Board determined to pursue a structure where each open race (other than those held in Central Park) would have a separate race director who would receive appropriate compensation and to seek out an additional person who would be in charge of managing logistics for all of the open races and who would also receive appropriate compensation. Mr. Teyber agreed to reach out to potential volunteers for the positions.


The Board discussed timing for the 2017 board election process. Mr. Kraft agreed to each out to Rod Millot, former president of the CRCA, regarding establishing an election committee.


Ken Edwards provided a detailed update on the status of the CRCA’s financial position, including a presentation of the CRCA’s available cash, the current revenue from membership enrollment and donations (which is still currently trending slightly down compared to 2015), open race registrations and remaining 2016 expenses. Mr. Edwards reported that the CRCA is currently projected to break even or make a small profit in 2016 based.

Mr. Edwards followed up on the previously discussed proposal to re-invest CRCA’s cash holdings into higher-yielding assets. Mr. Edwards and the Board determined not to further pursue the matter.


The Board discussed sponsorship opportunities for 2017, including title sponsors for open races. Mr. David agreed to follow-up with Russ Bogin regarding preparing a sponsor proposal “deck” that could be sent to prospective sponsors.


Ted Teyber provided an update on the status of preparations for the CRCA Hincapie Classic in Memory of Lou Maltese and the CRCA Hincapie Grand Prix in Honor of Fred Mengoni.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________ Fred David Secretary

CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (2016/04/25)


April 25, 2016

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Century Road Club Association (the “CRCA”) held a duly noticed meeting on April 25, 2016 at the offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York.

The meeting was called to order by Alexis Kraft, President of the Board, at approximately 6:30 PM.

The following members of the Board, constituting a quorum of the Board, were present in person or telephonically:

  • Alexis Kraft – President
  • Gabrielle Fisher – Vice President, Racing
  • Tara Parsons – Vice President, Rider Development
  • Fred David – Secretary
  • Ken Edwards – Treasurer
  • Russ Bogin – Public Relations
  • Tomi Ketcham – Marshalling Director
  • David Wen Riccardi-Zhu – Communications Director
  • Ted Teyber – Director of Open Racing

Ken Edwards provided a detailed update on the status of the CRCA’s financial position, including a presentation of the CRCA’s available cash, the current revenue from membership enrollment and donations (which is still currently trending slightly down compared to 2015) and open race registrations.

The Board discussed potential avenues for increasing donor membership numbers and agreed to reach out to their subteams to encourage members to upgrade to donor memberships. The Board also discussed adding additional benefits to donor memberships, and agreed to continue that discussion at a later date.


Ted Teyber provided an update on the status of preparations for the CRCA Bear Mountain Classic and the Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Orchard Beach Criterium.

The Board discussed a request from a CRCA women’s racer to shorten the distance of the women’s Pro/1/2 field at Bear Mountain, and agreed to do so in order to incentivize additional riders to enter the race.

The Board discussed in detail the impact of the size of prize pools on registration numbers as well as the “prestige” of the CRCA’s open races. The Board agreed to emphasize the size of prize pools for women’s and men’s elite fields in order to increase the quality of elite fields, thereby increasing the prestige of those races.

The Board also discussed in detail the charity to which a portion of the proceeds of the CRCA Dave Jordan Central Park Classic would be donated, and the Board recommended the proceeds be donated to the Century Road Club Developmental Foundation (“CRCDF”), subject to the Jordan family’s approval. The Board also discussed ways to strengthen the ties between the CRCA and the Jordan family in order to ensure that the CRCA Dave Jordan Central Park Classic becomes a fixture on the Northeast racing calendar. Mr. Edwards agreed to prepare a presentation for the Jordan family regarding the CRCDF and its selection as the charity to receive a portion of the proceeds from the Dave Jordan Classic.

The Board considered a proposal to host race number pickup event for the Hincapie Omnium, and Russ Bogin agreed to discuss with Bicycle Habitat hosting such an event.


Tara Parson and Mr. Edwards volunteered to serve as the Board’s two appointees to the board of directors of the CRCDF, and the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Ms. Parsons and Mr. Edwards to the CRCDF board.


Ms. Parsons discussed the current compensation structure for CRCA’s coaches and noted that the current rate being paid by CRCA to coaches was below the market rate. The Board discussed in detail the current compensation structure, the number of coaching sessions currently offered, alternative forms of compensation other than cash that the CRCA could offer coaches (including mentioning coaches on the CRCA website’s sponsors page, waiving coaches’ marshalling obligations and waiving coaches’ membership and/or season pass fees), and the prevailing market rate for coaching. Ms. Parsons agreed to discuss the compensation issue with CRCA’s other coaches and to present the coaches’ compensation request at the next Board meeting.

The Board also discussed the timing for hosting a second race clinic, and determined that the best date for holding the second clinic would be during the June 19 club race.


Gabrielle Fisher discussed race morning logistics and proposed that season pass waivers be accepted only via e-mail submission for the remainder of the year rather than accepted in person the morning of club races, in order to reduce race morning complications. The Board approved the proposal and David Wen Riccardi-Zhu agreed to send an email to the CRCA’s members to announce the change.

The Board also discussed the ideal starting order for fields at CRCA’s races in Central Park in order to reduce the number of times fields, particularly women’s fields, need to be neutralized to allow another field to pass. Ms. Fisher and Russ Bogin agreed to discuss the matter with Alex Rodriguez, and the Board will re-address the matter at a later meeting.


The Board discussed additional items to be included on its running list of various topics that the Board will consider later in the year, including moving up the timing for the first meeting of new CRCA boards in future years, the re-establishment of a CRCA newsletter, obtaining sponsors for the CRCA’s 2017 open races, generating a list of tasks for its web developer, Nick Black, to work on to improve the functionality and usefulness of the CRCA’s website and changing the B and C fields at club races to Cat 3/4 and Cat 4/5 fields, respectively (currently B fields are open only to Cat 4 racers and C fields are open only to Cat 5 racers).


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________ Fred David Secretary

CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (2016/03/29)


March 29, 2016

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Century Road Club Association (the “CRCA”) held a duly noticed meeting on March 29, 2016 at the offices of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher at 200 Park Avenue, New York, New York.

The meeting was called to order by Alexis Kraft, President of the Board, at approximately 6:30 PM.

The following members of the Board, constituting a quorum of the Board, were present:

  • Alexis Kraft – President
  • Gabrielle Fisher – Vice President, Racing
  • Tara Parsons – Vice President, Rider Development
  • Fred David – Secretary
  • Ken Edwards – Treasurer
  • Russ Bogin – Public Relations
  • Randy Locklair – Membership Director
  • David Wen Riccardi-Zhu – Communications Director
  • Ted Teyber – Director of Open Racing

Ken Edwards provided an update on the status of the CRCA’s financial position, including a presentation of the CRCA’s available cash, the current revenue from membership enrollment and donations (which is still currently trending down compared to 2015) and open race registrations.

Mr. Edwards will provide an update regarding the CRCA’s 2015 state and federal tax returns at the Board’s next meeting.


The Board discussed the importance of finding sponsors for the year’s remaining open races, including the Bear Mountain Classic, to help offset the CRCA’s expenses incurred in connection with hosting such races and the decrease in revenue from donors this year. The Board will reach out to their own subteams for sponsorship opportunities and will forward any prospects to Russ Bogin who will contact such prospects regarding sponsorship opportunities.


The Board also agreed that the CRCA’s 2016 Club Championship would be held at the Bear Mountain Classic.


The Board discussed the need to send a reminder to members regarding the requirement to wear CRCA-approved kit at club races, and David Wen Riccardi-Zhu agreed to send email reminders to the members.


The Board discussed several long-term projects, including revamping the CRCA’s website and changing the date of the Bear Mountain Classic for future years to a date other than Mother’s Day. The Board agreed that such topics should be reconsidered later in the year towards the end of the season. Fred David will create a running list of the various topics that the Board will reconsider later in the year on the Board’s Google Drive.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________ Fred David Secretary

CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (2016/02/09)


February 9, 2016

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Century Road Club Association (the “CRCA”) held a duly noticed meeting on February 9, 2016 at the Donghia Gallery on the 3rd Floor of 25 East 13th Street, New York, New York.

The meeting was called to order by Alexis Kraft, President of the Board, at approximately 7:00 PM.

The following members of the Board, constituting a quorum of the Board, were present:

  • Alexis Kraft – President
  • Gabrielle Fisher – Vice President, Racing
  • Tara Parsons – Vice President, Rider Development
  • Fred David – Secretary
  • Ken Edwards – Treasurer
  • Randy Locklair – Membership Director
  • David Wen Riccardi-Zhu – Communications Director
  • Tomi Ketcham – Marshal Director
  • Ted Teyber – Director of Open Racing

The Board discussed communications with the CRCA’s members, including the need to communicate that marshals at Grant’s Tomb and Orchard Beach will receive only one marshal credit this year (compared with the two credits received in past years) and potential replacements or improvements to the current system for e-mailing members.


Ted Teyber provided an update on preparations for the Grant’s Tomb Criterium, which is scheduled for March 12, including the need to assign certain related tasks to subteams as part of their team duties. The Board also discussed finding one or two food trucks to come to the race to serve food and drinks to racers and spectators.

Mr. Teyber also reported that a title sponsor had not yet been secured for the race and the Board discussed potential options to secure a sponsor.


Randy Locklair provided an update regarding membership enrollment, which is currently trending flat relative to last year’s enrollment figures.

The Board determined that the new member referral program would not be renewed for 2016 as it was not clear the program had a significant impact on bringing in new members.

The Board also discussed the planned number pick-up social event, which is expected to be held at Veselka in the East Village, with the time and date to be finalized and communicated to members in the next couple of weeks.


Tara Parsons provided an update on race clinics and information sessions, including timing. One race clinic is expected to be held in April with a second to follow in May or June on a race weekend after the New York Cycle Club’s SIG series has ended to allow SIG participants interested in joining the CRCA to participate.

The Board also determined that, in keeping with past practice, the CRCA would not reimburse new coaches for the cost of USAC coaching clinics, but would continue to reimburse coaches for the cost of their USAC coaching licenses.


Gabrielle Fisher provided an update on preparations for 2016 club races, including a review of all tasks required to be completed before the first club race on March 5. Topics discussed included updates on the status of the process of obtaining requisite permits from the New York City Parks Department and USA Cycling and race-day staff.


Ken Edwards provided an update on the status of the CRCA’s financial position. The update include a discussion of the CRCA’s available cash, the current revenue from membership enrollment (which is currently trending down compared to 2015) and Grant’s Tomb registration (which is currently trending at a level roughly equivalent to past races), the importance of finding additional donor members, and a discussion of ways to generate new members for the CRCA (including via recruiting members from other local bike clubs and teams).

Mr. Edwards also provided an update regarding the CRCA’s 2014 state and federal tax returns, including a continuing dispute with the IRS regarding the application of a 2013 overpayment to the CRCA’s 2014 tax obligation.

Mr. Edwards reported that the CRCA’s 2015 tax returns were in the process of being prepared and would be filed on time, and that the CRCA’s 2015 financial statements would be presented at the Board’s next meeting.

  1. NYSBRA Grants and Applications

The Board determined that Fred David would work with 2015 CRCA president Liz Marcello to prepare the CRCA’s request for grants from the NYSBRA.


The Board determined that the “Forum” section of the CRCA’s website would be removed, as it was rarely used and generated a significant amount of spam.

The Board also discussed creating a “technology committee” to consider potential changes to the CRCA’s website and the backend admin system. No decision was reached on the topic and the Board will consider the matter at its next meeting.


Alexis Kraft informed the Board that while a promoter had secured dates to host New York City Spring Series races in Central Park in 2016 (after the Spring Series was cancelled in 2015), the promoter decided not to host the Spring Series this year, and so the Spring Series would not be held in 2016.


Mr. Teyber informed the Board that a title sponsor had likely been secured for the Orchard Beach Criterium.

Mr. Teyber also informed the Board that due to a scheduling conflict on the part of the New York City Parks Department, the Orchard Beach Criterium would be held on May 15, not May 14 as previously planned.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted, Fred David, Secretary

CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (2016/01/12)


January 12, 2016

The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the Century Road Club Association (the “CRCA”) held a duly noticed meeting on January 12, 2016 at the Donghia Gallery on the 3rd Floor of 25 East 13th Street, New York, New York.

The meeting was called to order by Alexis Kraft, President of the Board, at approximately 7:00 PM.

The following members of the Board, constituting a quorum of the Board, were present:

  • Alexis Kraft – President
  • Gabrielle Fisher – Vice President, Racing
  • Tara Parsons – Vice President, Rider Development
  • Fred David – Secretary
  • Ken Edwards – Treasurer
  • Russ Bogin – Public Relations Director
  • Randy Locklair – Membership Director
  • David Wen Riccardi-Zhu – Communications Director
  • Ted Teyber – Director of Open Racing
  • Robert Rakowitz – Director of Teams

Also present were the following former members of the Board:

  • Liz Marcello
  • David Carr
  • Lucia Deng
  • Joe Grgic


Alexis Kraft welcomed the Board and thanked the outgoing Board members for their contributions to the CRCA.


Randy Locklair provided an update regarding the logistics for opening membership registration. The Board identified a target launch date of January 26.

The Board discussed continuing the new member referral program and potential changes to the program. Under the program, as in effect for the 2015 season, CRCA members who recruit a new member to the club received a $15 discount on the entry fee for a 2015 open race hosted by the CRCA. The Board discussed the need to better define the program’s requirements and to better publicize the program. The Board did not vote on the matter and will readdress the topic in a future meeting.

The Board also discussed the proposals for distributing race numbers, including a number pick-up social event, distribution to sub-team captains and mailings.


Gabrielle Fisher provided an update on preparations for 2016 club races, including updates on the status of the process of obtaining requisite permits from the New York City Parks Department and USA Cycling, staffing, and other related logistics.


Joe Grgic provided an update on preparations for the Grants Tomb Criterium, which is tentatively scheduled for March 12, including updates on the status of the process of obtaining requisite permits from the New York City Parks Department, USA Cycling, the New York Police Department and the New York City Fire Department and other related logistics.


Joe Grgic and Ted Teyber provided a brief update on preparations for the Orchard Beach Criterium and the Bear Mountain Classic.


Ken Edwards provided a brief update on the status of the CRCA’s financial position and concluded that there was no need to change the pricing model for membership and club races.


Russ Bogin provided an update on the outlook for obtaining sponsorships for the CRCA and its races. The Board discussed the importance of locating additional sponsors.


Liz Marcello informed the Board that the New York City Spring Series would be returning in 2016 after being cancelled in 2015 and that the CRCA would be lending equipment to the new promoter of the Spring Series.


Tara Parsons provided an update on the 2016 coaching sessions and discussed adding Karl Rahn to the coaching program.


Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted that outgoing 2015 Board members would have a one-year relief of marshaling duty as a recognition of their contributions to the club as past board members.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred David, Secretary

CRCA Board Minutes: 2015/29/7

CRCA Board Meeting Minutes

March 31, 2015 at 7:00 PM

300 E. 85th St.


Present: Liz Marcello (president), Tomi Ketcham, Alexis Kraft, Lisa Vandivort, Lucia Deng, Ann Marie Miller, Randy Locklair, Matthew Vandivort, and Joe Grgic. Absent: David Carr.


Items Discussed and Voted: 

  1. Sub-team rules for 2016

Kit Logo: Beginning in 2016, all sub-team kits must have the circular CRCA logo on the sleeve (just below the shoulder). Following the 2015 grace period, the “CENTURY” logo is no longer acceptable. Alexis will send around the updated logo to all sub-team captains.

Sub-team field limits: The board discussed possible changes to sub-team field limits for 2016 (increase for Men’s A? Separate caps on M3 and M12?) but no formal proposal was made. Discussion postponed to later in the year.

  1. Coaching Program

Cyclocross: CRCA will offer CX skills sessions this fall.  Sessions will be free to CRCA members and open to non-CRCA members for $10/session (plus the cost of a one-day license if necessary).

Roster: No immediate changes to the coaching roster, although the Board agrees we should expand coaching staff. This will be up to the 2016 VP of Rider Development and the 2016 BOD.

  1. Closing out Open Racing

Transitioning to 2016: Joe has created a number of documents to help with the tasks involved with Open Racing.

Trailer: Trailer is near full capacity and is difficult to navigate.  Alexis will take the lead on cleaning out the trailer with the help of race staff and/or a sub-team. Excess waivers will be moved to the Club’s storage unit on Riverside Drive (where the archives are stored).

  1. Digital presence and web

Randy will not be returning as Membership Director for 2016 (congrats on the new babe!), but would like to work with the 2016 BOD to streamline some of the Club’s few key activities using the internets – including managing members, generating/posting rosters, etc.

  1. Financials

Update circulated from Ken prior to the meeting. Someone please append to minutes!

  1. Year End Party

Alexis will work with Rapha to host the party at Rapha. The date is set for Thursday, October 8th.

Trophy order will be placed by Kathryn Murtagh in exchange for marshal credit and Liz will work with her to facilitate order.

  1. Town Hall-style meeting:

Though we had discussed doing this in late 2014, it seems that there would likely be little interest. We should instead focus on appropriate questions for the Fall 2015 member poll.

  1. 8Fall Member Poll (DC is open to doing this again or can train his replacement)


David will take the lead on this in collecting key items/topics from the current board to include in the poll.


  1. Future of the Board of Directors

2016: Several members will not be returning to the 2016 BOD but agreed to recruit replacements to run for their positions.

Restructuring of Board: Although we are not in a position to restructure the board because it would require significant revisions to the bylaws (which is a legal matter), the board agreed that we should take on more volunteers, particularly for directing our many open races. These can be volunteers that are compensated with the same perks of being on the board (free membership, no marshal duty, etc.), but with less responsibility than being on the Board. Liz/Matt/Ken will look into what this structure might look like and begin looking for volunteers to fill key roles.

Open racing: Ken has also agreed to look into the cost of outsourcing key components open racing to a company to ease the burden on the volunteer Board. We will re-group on this in a month’s time.

Advertising open positions: Lucia (with Liz’s help) will write an article for on volunteering for the club and being on the board.  We can use this opportunity to describe the responsibilities of each board position and also the responsibilities of volunteer race directors. This will hopefully pique some interest in running for the Board.

Elections: To be held in late October/early November, following the end of season party. We will need to recruit an independent elections committee to handle this.


CRCA Board Minutes: 2015/27/5

CRCA Board Meeting Minutes May 27, 2015 at 7:15 PM 300 E. 85th St.

Present: Liz Marcello (president), Tomi Ketcham, Lisa Vandivort, Lucia Deng (by phone for first part), Ann Marie Miller, Randy Locklair, Matthew Vandivort, Ken, Edwards, Joe Grgic, and David Carr (secretary). Absent (because of sickness) Alexis Kraft.

Items discussed and voted

1) Brief OB/Bear recap, lessons learned: Joe/Matt/Liz

Overall, great feedback and successful! Things to think about for future-

Social media very successful (thanks to Randy and Lisa!), but might want to assign next year to a non-board member volunteer Work on more signage and other directions to make course clear If possible, more sweeps in advance of fields (police or cars) Possibly more water bottles for feed zone, depending on registration (ran out at end of race)

2) Membership check-in: Randy/Ken/Matt

Overall numbers are looking steady to good, with significant increase in new members, and slight increase over year-to-date overall membership numbers last year.

Randy is working on several options for more social events, and Liz is working with a club member on staging some CRCA happy hours

3) Open racing updates a) DJ CPC update: Joe/Matt/Liz – things are on track b) Remaining open races: Joe/Matt/Liz – board was updated on plans for late summer races

4) Quick Clinic Check-in: Lucia/Alexis/Ann Marie Lucia updated the board on preparations for the 2nd Intro. to Racing Info Clinic, scheduled for 7-9 PM on Monday, June 16 at the Rapha Cycle Club. Registration is good so far, and board members are encouraged to join.

5) Clarification of rule about non-affiliated riders wearing old sub-team kit?

Several complaints have been made about racers on former CRCA teams racing together in old subteam kit. In this way they form a functional team, while not having to follow CRCA subteam rules or do team duty for the club. For now, if the board receives complaints about specific riders racing together in old subteam kit, Alexis (with David’s help as needed) will communicate with these racers about the need to formalize their team relationship with the club.

6) Question of clarification about the CRCA club doping ban

Previously, the club did not allow members convicted of doping to rejoin the club until twice the time of their USADA doping suspension. At this meeting the board voted, starting in the 2016 racing season, to ban all racers who had been convicted of doping permanently from CRCA club membership.

7) Other CRCA to-dos: - The board discussed the possibility of an early Fall open board/town hall-style meeting, just before nominations and election of new board members. For further discussion. - The board supported Liz Marcello’s collaboration with NYCC on bike access to the George Washington Bridge but requested more information before the Club moves to make any public or official statements on the topic

-Liz is exploring ideas to set up a restricted fund in collaboration with the NYC Parks Department to be managed by the Club for the purpose of patching roads/potholes in NYC Parks that the Club uses for events. This will directly serve the Club’s mission but also has an added public service component. More updates will be provided following a few meetings that Liz has scheduled over the next few months.

-Joe suggested working with Liz Campbell (regional moto coordinator) to hold advanced moto training courses for NYC area moto pacers. Joe will explore this possibility in more detail and report back at the next meeting.