Central Park News and Training Guidelines

From NYCC.org A 'pilot program' is underway in Central Park.

They believe the source is reliable.  The program is as follows:

Between the hours of 6:00 and 8:00 a.m. Monday thru Friday, barring reckless or dangerous riding, the police will not enforce red lights in Central Park.

To assist with the new pilot program we are asking riders to follow some guidelines when training in the park.

1. Yield to Pedestrians, at all times, and give a lane's width when passing any park users traveling in the same parallel direction.

2. Recover or endurance pace on Westside descent after W85th, that downhill in particular should ridden with extreme caution, and soon Shakespeare in the Park crowds will be gathering.

3. No shouting or rude behavior towards any park users.

4. Keep groups/teams small, under 12 individuals, and try to ride with the safest and smallest footprint possible. When passing others, do so in single file, especially through the single lane narrow sections like 6th Ave Bottlenecks before "Horse Carriage Alley" and after Lasker Pool/Rink.

As always, please follow the rules of the park.


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