March 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s March meeting on the 30th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Randy Locklair, David Shirzad, Elizabeth Tobey, Emily Singleton, Mart de Graaf, Mitchell Napolitano, Nathan Brauer, Tara Parsons, Charlie Stein, Alex Klafehn, Josh Sakofsky
Price of chips increasing to $65 due to cost increase
Lasker descent continued construction concerns
Ensure LOUD communications at race start
Concerns around lap count and field start order
Determined too early to decide and collect more data
Request made to create a paid Race Director role per Open Race event based on workload (15-20hrs per week for 3-4 weeks leading up to event) which can either be outsourced or taken on by the Open Racing Director was approved unanimously. Amount per race to be determined.
Paid CRCDF backlog of dues from Donor members
Non-CRCA members cannot perform team duties for CRCA teams when mentoring
Non-CRCA members cannot mentor unless chosen by VP of Rider Development and must hold a valid USAC license.