CRCA Events Update and Call for Member Physical Distancing


As you may have seen, USAC extended its permit suspension for all USAC sanctioned events through May 3, 2020, given public health guidance on the COVID-19 outbreak. See USAC’s official statement below.

Additionally, applicable to New York residents, Governor Cuomo issued an executive order, effective at 8pm on Sunday, March 22, 2020, which essentially bans all group activity, no matter how small, subject to certain enumerated exceptions. Please familiarize yourself with the current guidelines on the NYC DOH website and the NYS Governor’s website, and exercise common sense and caution if you choose to ride your bike outside.

Absolutely no team/group rides, pacelining, double pacelining, etc. should be happening, especially in Central Park, where population density is high and your team kits with CRCA logos are highly visible. We remind folks that these guidelines are ultimately intended for harm reduction purposes to protect our vulnerable populations, including avoiding contributing to the already overtaxed health system. Again, please exercise common sense, empathy, and good judgment.

Let’s support one another in our community by checking in on teammates and friends, while continuing to practice physical distancing. We know we can count on CRCA members to do the right thing during this time. We sincerely hope that soon enough, we will see you all collectively again out on the road on the other side of this.

On behalf of the CRCA Board, I wish you and your loved ones well,

Lucia D
Century Road Club Association
NYC Bike Racing Since 1898
Pronouns: she | her

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