2013 CRCA Board of Directors — Century Road Club Association

2013 CRCA Board of Directors

The results are in.  We had 319 members vote giving us enough votes to to approve the 2013 board. In accordance with the By-laws, a three-member independent election committee comprising Beth Renner, Jesse Walker and Sonny Bindra was formed.  These members were responsible for overseeing the election process.

Thanks to all that voted.

The new board:

President: Rod Millott
VP Rider Development: Scot Willingham
VP Racing: Zak Abdullah
Secretary: Gina Rocco
Treasurer: Lisa Kennish
Communications Director: Lucia Deng
Public Relations Director: Harry Zernike
Membership Director: Rob Duncker
Marshal Director: Rob Weitzner
Director of Teams: David Carr
Director of Open Racing: Matthew Vandivort