An article in Sunday's NY Times featured some of our members who organized a race in Central Park after one of the many snow storms this winter. The article covered the brave souls as they tried to get in some winter training in some harsh conditions. See the below excerpt and click on the link for the full text. Spokes | Two Wheels, No Fear, In Slush or Powder By J. DAVID GOODMAN

Pascal Sauvayre hopped his front tire through several inches of freshly fallen powder, stopping in front of a small group of cyclists gathered in the morning darkness at the southeast end of Central Park.
“Pascal! Oh, he’s a hardy soul,” called out one of the assembled, Dave Jordan, a pair of ski goggles hanging around his black neck gaiter and a headlamp shining from his helmet.
“I had to shovel the sidewalk anyway,” Mr. Sauvayre said, explaining why he had come out, at 6:30 on a frigid morning this month, for this race in the snow that had been hastily arranged online days before. It would be fun, the 50-year-old psychologist said.
“This is legit powder!” another rider called out. “Let’s go!” said another. And the group began slowly rolling into the deserted white park.
Such high spirits notwithstanding, riding in the dead of winter, in several inches of snow, is not everyone’s idea of a good time. The cold pushes many cyclists indoors, and the snow often deters the rest. Commuting rates drop precipitously, and bike lanes can be empty for long stretches of time.
Click on the link for the full NY Times article.