CRCA Club Series
Jump to the detailed CRCA Club Series Technical Guide
The Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Club Series is open to eligible CRCA Members only, and spans twelve races from March through September in Central Park. These races provide the lowest cost racing in our region. Join CRCA today to access this great series!
Contact Vice President of Racing for any additional question on the Club Series races.
Lucarelli and Castaldi CRCA Club Series Sponsor
The 2024 Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Club Series is presented by Lucarelli & Castaldi. Their support is vital to the operation of the CRCA Club Series and directly helps reduce the cost of racing for every single CRCA member.
Lucarelli & Castaldi, LLP is a personal injury law firm that represents injured cyclists and other accident victims in New York and New Jersey. The firm is a major supporter of amateur sporting events and cycling, having been a sponsor of the CRCA Bear Mountain Classic, the CRCA Floyd Bennett Field Race, the CRCA Lou Maltese Race, the annual Lucarelli & Castaldi Cup held in Prospect Park and many others.
2024 CRCA Club Series Dates, Fields, AnD Formats
W - Women/Trans/Femme Cat 1/2/3/4
WDev - Women/Trans/Femme Cat 4/Novice
A - Men’s Cat 1/2/3 (Master’s 40+ Cat 1/2/3 results also provided for Club Masters Comp. only)
B - Men’s Cat 3/4 (Master’s 40+ Cat 4 results also provided for Club Masters Comp. only. B Field Leaders competition is Cat 4 only)
C - Men’s Novice
For the Club Championships on August 6, there will be a dedicated Master’s field.
When W and WDev fields are offered on the same day, W Novice license holders must race in WDev field.
Per USA Cycling guidelines, fields with Novice riders are limited in size to 75 participants.
Important links
Please review the CRCA Club Series Technical Guide prior to racing in Central Park.
Field structure information and race format details are available here.
CRCA Competitions, including the Jim Boyd Cup and the Team Cup, are available here.
Women's Development Series are open (non-club) fields with information available here.
Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Club Series Schedule
**The 2024 CRCA Club Race Series Schedule dates, times, and finishes are subject to change depending on permitting protocol from NYC Department of Parks and Recreation, the Central Park Conservatory and the current state of the COVID pandemic throughout the New York City area**
Sunday, March 3
Start time: 6:15 AM
Laps: W (5), A (6), B (5), C (4), WDev (3)
Cat’s Paw Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Saturday, March 9
Start time: 6:05 AM
Laps: W (6), A (7), B (6), C (5), WDev (4)
Cat’s Paw Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Saturday, March 23 [CANCELED]
Start time: 6:40 AM
Laps: W (4), A (5), B (4), C (3), WDev (2)
Cat’s Paw Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Saturday, April 6
Start time: 6:20 AM
Laps: W (5.2), A (6.2), B (5.2), C (4.2), WDev (3.2)
Engineers Gate Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Sunday, April 14
Start time: 6:10 AM
Laps: W (5.5), A (6.5), B (5.5), C (4.5), WDev (3.5)
West 91th Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Saturday, May 11
Start time: 5:30 AM
Laps: W (6.7), A (8.7), B (7.7), C (6.7), WDev (3.7)
Tavern on the Green Finish
Points Format for W, A, B Fields
Scratch Format for C and WD Fields
Saturday, May 18
Start time: 5:30 AM
Laps: W (6.5), A (8.5), B (7.5), C (6.5), WDev (4.5)
West 91th Finish
Points Format for W, A, B Fields
Scratch Format for C and WD Fields
Sunday, June 16
Start time: 5:30 AM
Laps: W (6), A (8), B (7), C (6), WDev (4)
Cat’s Paw Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Saturday, July 6
Start time: 5:30 AM
Laps: W (5.7), A (7.7), B (6.7), C (5.7), WDev (3.7)
Tavern on the Green Finish
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Sunday, July 14
Start time: 5:30 AM
Laps: W (6.2), A (8.2), B (7.2), C (6.2), WDev (4.2)
Engineers Gate Finish / East 91st (Intermediate Points)
Power Points Format for W, A, B Fields
Scratch Format for C and WD Fields
Sunday, August 4
Start time: 5:45 AM
Laps: W (5.5), A (7.5), B (6.5), Mast (5.5), WDev (4.5)
Club Individual Championship
West 91st Finish
Masters Field
Scratch Format
Sprint Comp
Sunday, September 1
Start time: 6:15 AM
Laps: W (5), A (6), B (5), C (4), WDev (3)
Cat’s Paw Finish
Scratch Format
Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Club Series Field ELIGIBILITY
As our events are sanctioned by USA Cycling, we currently operate under the existing USAC Category systems and naming conventions. However, we remind racers that within that framework, the following principles apply:
“Men’s fields” are open to all racers: men, women and non-binary racers.
“Women’s fields” are open to all cis women, trans women and non-binary racers who self-select to race in the Women’s field.
Non-elite athletes (Categories Novice, 4 & 3) may self select the field, within their USAC Category, that best fits with their gender identity, or that they feel is most athletically and socially appropriate for competitive purposes.
Elite athletes (Categories 2 & 1) may participate in the gendered field that they feel is most athletically appropriate, as determined by USAC’s Policy on Transgender Athletic Participation.
Women’s license holders may enter any Men’s field for which they are eligible by age & category.
Women’s license holders may enter lower M category fields as follows: (i) Category 4, 3 & 2 Women’s license holders may enter M fields that are up to one category lower than their own category, and (ii) Category 1 Women’s license holders may enter M fields up to two categories lower. For example, a W3 may enter a M3 or M4 race and a W1 may enter into a M1, M2 or M3 race.
Women’s license holders may enter M age group fields as follows: (i) W1 & W2 may enter Men’s Masters fields up to 10 years above their racing age, and (ii) W3 & W4 may enter Men’s Masters fields up to 20 years above their racing age.
Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Club Series RACE Formats
Scratch: standard finish line based scoring (default race format unless otherwise specified)
Points: points are awarded three deep each time passing the finish line (5, 3, 1) and five deep on the final lap (9, 7, 5, 3, 1). Most points wins. Tie-breakers: most first place finishes, most second place finishes, most third place finishes and finally finishing position on the final lap. Points race format does not apply to C, M40+ and WDev fields which are always scratch format.
Power points: same format as points race but points are also available on each lap after the first on the top of Harlem Hill three deep (5, 3, 1) in addition to the finish line scoring.
The CRCA Board is committed to fostering a community in which all individuals are welcome and treated with respect and dignity. To that end, we have adopted the following:
Century Road Club Association and all of its events are a safe and inclusive space for all.
Discrimination or harassment of any type on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, or any other characteristic protected by law will not be tolerated at our events.
CRCA Racers in action at one of the final CRCA Club Series race of 2017. Photo from the To Be Determined Journal race recap of that race.
Lucarelli & Castaldi CRCA Club Series Technical Guide
In partnership with Central Park Conservancy, New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, and USA Cycling, the following protocols must be adhered to at all times with no exceptions. Violation of these protocols will result in suspension or expulsion from the club.
Your cooperation is crucial to the health and safety of our staff and the larger community. We are incredibly excited and privileged to host races in Central Park this season.
In practicing proper social distancing, we have reconfigured the flow of traffic around the Loeb Boathouse and Rambles to be unidirectional. We ask participants to review the maps below, respect the Enter and Exit points, maintain 6 feet of distance between participants in these areas, and practice proper social distancing throughout the event. In reviewing the maps, please note and respect the following:
Unidirectional flow setup and enter/exit points
Loeb Boathouse Map:
Location of the registration tables
Bag drop now at the Loeb Boathouse, no longer at Rambles
Rambles Map:
Entrance at the beginning of Rambles (coming from the South) with the Exit points coming from the bathroom
Podiums will be held 15 minutes after the conclusion of the A-field race, at The Loeb Boathouse.
Keep your voices down to ensure that you hear instructions from race directors, referees, other officials.
If using the restroom at Rambles, there is a maximum of three people indoors.
Results will be posted electronically. The protest period is open three business days after the race and will be managed over Google forms. Do not approach the results team for any reason on race day.
Special Thanks To
Central Park Conservancy
NYC Department of Parks & Recreation
All of our donor members
before you Race
Prior to racing in a CRCA Club Race, all participants must meet the following requirements:
Be a CRCA Donor,Season Pass, or Junior member. Associate members may NOT participate in the Club Series. Details on membership levels available at: Join CRCA.
All new Category 4 and Novice members must attend a New Members Skills session prior to racing. For more information see: Coaching.
Have selected CRCA marshaling assignments and reviewed the CRCA Marshaling Policy.
Wear a CRCA Club, CRCA sub-team jersey, or a CRCA patch if unaffiliated with a CRCA sub-team (exceptions granted for necessary outerwear).
Upload your race waiver and have it approved at least 10 days prior to a race
Hold a valid USAC license and be listed on the Club Roster posted ahead of each Club Race.
New to racing? Check out USA Cycling's page for new racers.
Fields will sometimes be neutralized when one racing field overtakes another or for other various safety reasons. Never pass your lead moto and follow your moto driver's instructions at all times. Any violations are subject to immediate disqualification and potential suspension from the club.
Our relationship with the Central Park Conservancy and the NYC Department of Parks & Recreation is contingent on all racers and marshals following Park regulations. Always comply with these rules:
Ride on Central Park roads only - no riding on walking paths, dirt paths, pedestrian paths
Ride in the direction of traffic only
Stay out of the recreation lane at all times
Engage in positive, productive behavior with other park users at all times
Our races depend on member involvement, especially marshaling. If we don't meet the minimum marshal attendance set by CPC and NYC Parks, we cannot start the race.
Violation of these rules will result in the imposition of penalties, including disqualification.
Do not ride backwards (clockwise) on Park Drives and do not ride on walking paths before, during or after races. Violations are subject to automatic disqualification and suspension from the club. All races will start at the top of Cat's Paw, which is just North of Loeb Boathouse on East Drive. See interactive map below.
Racers registering for the second to last CRCA Club Series race of the 2017 season. Photo from the To Be Determined Journal recap of that race.
Do not enter the recreational lane on the left side of the Park Drives for any reason. For safety reasons the rec lane is strictly off limits and violations will result in disqualification and possible suspension from the club. Racing and all riding is one way - counterclockwise - on the main loop.
We use a variety of finish line locations throughout the year. Finish line locations are listed on the CRCA Race schedule above and shown on the map below. Click on the icons in the interactive map for more detail on each location.
Marshals are required to be on site with adequate time to pick up their marshaling vest and cones and get to their assigned marshal post prior to the scheduled race start time - all marshals must be at their assigned post 15 minutes prior to the start of the race. If marshals are late, races will be delayed and shortened. See CRCA Marshal Policy for additional detail.
Racer registration opens 1 hour prior to race start and closes 15 minutes prior to race start. While we do our best to process registration quickly, please allow sufficient time to register. If you are late, you will not be allowed to race.
Results will be compiled in the Rambles Parking Lot following the conclusion of all racing. We strive to post results on the CRCA website within 24 hours of the race.
If you did not pick up your race number in advance, it may be picked up on race morning, but please allow sufficient time to both collect your number and register for the race (two separate lines).
If you have your race number, please pin it in advance. All CRCA Club Series Races use one number on the right side of the jersey and one number on the center back of the jersey for our moto officials. Here's a guide on proper placement of race numbers. If your number is not pinned correctly, you could be omitted from results.
All USAC Waivers must be uploaded to your account in the Members section at least three days prior to racing. We will not be collecting waivers in person. If you do not submit a waiver you cannot race.
All racers are required to wear either the CRCA Club Jersey/Patch (either available for purchase via approved vendor) or an approved CRCA Sub-team Jersey that features the CRCA logo as required by CRCA Sub-Team Rules. Note that in March, racers are allowed to wear non-branded jackets due to cold temperatures.